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Deep Sea

With new techniques we will be able soon to start missions until depths of 6500 meters.



PTE - Pressure Tolerant Electronics

The main challenge for deep subsea autonomous vehicles is pressure. Commercially available electronics are not rated to work at high pressure, thus, a pressure vessel is typically used.


Our approach aims to reduce or even remove the need of pressure vessel, by making the electronics itself insensitive to pressure.


This will allow to reduce complexity, weight, and cost. PTE would allow to test systems independently, in high pressure conditions, allowing much more flexibility in the design, production, and maintenance of deep-sea vehicles. The technology behind PTE is highly scalable, easy to integrate, and cheap.


On the right side, you can see a Pressure Chamber, which simulates depths until 6500 meters.



Deep Sea Bot 1.0 

Deep Sea Bot 1.0 Design Study

The Deep Sea Bot will not further developed, since we decided to use PTE in future. Nevertheless, it is a very interesting sample about how it works.


With CAD, you define first the frame in 3D, before you do the rendering. 


Designer: Juan de Santiago


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